The star classification improves the quality of the rental stock and harmonizes the levels of service from one accommodation to another. It promotes the readability and reliability of the tourist accommodation offer on the international scene.

First, why get ranked?

How does it work to classify my furnished accommodation? What is the point ?

Grading is not required to rent, but it is highly recommended as it presents several benefits :

  • An attractive taxation : you have a flat-rate reduction of 71% on your rent (instead of 50% for unclassified furnished accommodation)
  • Simplified calculation for Tourist tax (becomes fixed)
  • Un guarantee of quality of your hosting for your clients nationally and internationally
  • A promotion and more effective marketing on the brochures and on the websites of the Tourist Offices to which you belong
  • Free membership to theNational Agency for holiday vouchers (ANCV), you then have the possibility of accepting a secure and advantageous means of payment for tenants: holiday vouchers

At the Arêches Beaufort Tourist Office, 3 people are approved for the classification of furnished accommodation: Myriam Wilhelm, Agathe Contiero and Angélique Yvroud. These 3 people work in the accommodation reservation service.
Our forces :

  • A staff qualified et competent
  • An perfect knowledge of the territory and the supply of furnished rentals
  • Service proximity : responsiveness and reduction of travel costs

How to classify your furnished accommodation?

Visiting the furnished apartment

BEFORE THE VISIT, The Tourist Office sets an appointment with the owner or agent of the furnished accommodation.

Two preliminary documents must be completed by you:

  • Le purchase order
  • Le pre diagnosis (estimate)

You don't need to prepare anything else!

And in addition you do not have to be present during the classification if we have the possibility of obtaining the keys otherwise.

AFTER THE VISIT, the Tourist Office agent provides the owner within one month after the visit:

  • Le mail explanatory in which the rest of the procedure and any points to be brought into compliance are detailed,
  • Le investigation report control,
  • La wire rack duly completed control sheet,
  • La provisional decision classification,

The owner has 15 days to refuse the classification proposal. Beyond this period, the classification is acquired. The control visit is valid for 3 months.
In the event of a complaint, the owner can send a letter within 15 days to the classification department of the tourist office. In the event of requests for supporting documents, the owner must provide within 15 days any element of proof of compliance (receipts, invoice, etc.), so that the classification can be validated.

The ranking is acquired

🎉 Your furnished tourist accommodation is now classified in étoile : you have a guarantee and a guarantee of quality for your customers at the national and international level, this ranking is valid for a period of 5 years.

You have received the decision classification of your furnished accommodation by the Tourist Office, in accordance with the decree of May 7, 2012 modifying the decree of August 2, 2010 and the classification procedure for furnished tourist accommodation.

Here are the required steps:

  • Inform the town hall de Beaufort (or your municipality, the one where your classified furnished accommodation is located) of the classification obtained using the Cerfa document N°14004*2 “Declaration at the town hall of Tourist Furnishings”
  • Update the description of your furnished accommodation on all media in order to provide the right information to your tenants.

  • After these 5 years, if you still wish to be classified, make a request 3 months before the expiry date.

Documents to download :

04 79 38 12 90