Distance: 5 km
Elevation: 160 D +
In the mountains
Mountain view
Take a little height and contemplate Arêches against the backdrop of Roche Parstire. East facing slope, so choose the morning for a walk in the sun!
Take a little height and contemplate Arêches against the backdrop of Roche Parstire. East facing slope, so choose the morning for a walk in the sun!

From the tourist office, go down to the bottom of the village and cross the Poncellamont, which comes straight from the St Guérin dam. You will see the sawmill, recognizable by its large yellow crane, and continue towards Les Carroz. All along the route, you will appreciate the traditional chalets, the Carroz-Dessous chapel and the breathtaking view of Arêches and the Roche Parstire. You will continue your walk to Carroz-Dessus then go down again by the same route.

Topo / step by step
Departure: Tourist Office 1/ Take the Grand-Mont road which descends. 2/ Take the Val-Blanc staircase or the Grand-Mont road then the Carroz road which you will follow to the chapel. 3/ Turn left towards Les Carroz-Dessus 4/ At the 1st bend continue the road to the right as far as Les Carroz Dessus for about 2km. 5/ Same itinerary for the return


All opening times have passed. Please contact the owner directly for more information.

Equipments & services


  • Pet Friendly
  • Accessible by stroller
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Activities on site

  • Pedestrian sports
  • Hiking route
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This provider offers you


Arêches sawmill



The 9 Névés

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